Voicetrack Fusion brings together every aspect of the recording, production and shift management process for your voice tracked radio stations. All in a completely reimagined user interface that works the way you do.
Los Angeles, April 9, 2024 - Super Hi-Fi, the leader in AI-powered radio services for broadcast and digital media companies, today announced the release of Voicetrack Fusion, an entirely new approach to voice tracking for radio companies. Designed for both station managers and on-air talent, Voicetrack Fusion blends Talent Management, Shift Management, Job Assignment, and Voice Track Recording into one seamless and incredibly modern interface. Voicetrack Fusion cuts tedious voice track scheduling and production down from hours to minutes.
“When we’ve asked our customers what they want most from us, more effective voice tracking has always been near the top of the list,” said Super Hi-Fi CEO Zack Zalon. “We crafted Voicetrack Fusion from the ground up to solve real problems, and to function as a powertool for unparalleled efficiency that we know radio teams will really love.”
Voicetrack Fusion brings together every aspect of the recording, production and shift management process in a simple web browser based interface, making it easy to produce all of a station’s voice tracks while automating tedious tasks. The platform automatically produces all of the elements around voice tracks, so they’ll sit perfectly in the mix and always hit the post.
Built on a foundation of powerful technological advancements, Voicetrack Fusion offers an unmatched suite of tools for managing all aspects of the voice tracking workflow:
In addition, Voicetrack Fusion provides an all-in-one shift and talent management tool that manages the minutiae, so managers can spend their time making great radio. VoiceTrack Fusion allows managers to schedule DJ shifts, automatically generate voice track assignments, deliver job notifications via text and email, and monitor job progress for all On-Air Talent with ease.
Voicetrack Fusion is available today through the Super Hi-Fi Program Director OS. To learn more about this revolutionary voice tracking product, please visit www.superhifi.com/products/voicetrack-fusion.
About Super Hi-Fi
Super Hi-Fi is dedicated to the radical transformation of radio. Founded in 2018, Super Hi-Fi offers a complete and robust radio management platform powered by advanced AI. Designed to help radio companies and digital media platforms thrive, Super Hi-Fi delivers better quality listening experiences at drastically lower operational costs than legacy tools and methods. The company powers more than 2 billion radio production decisions each month for some of today’s biggest radio brands. Super Hi-Fi is based in Los Angeles, California.
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